You want to make money on the net, right? I suppose if you didn’t, you would not be reading this. Well, if you have a site where you blog, and you are wanting to make money, you must have ads on your site. If you have advertising on your site, you must be hoping people will click on an ad that they find useful to them.
One of the keys to getting more ad clicks would be to keep people on your site as long as possible. The more articles that your readers look at, the better the chance that he will see an ad that is of interest to him, and thus click on it. But, how do you keep them on your site? Well, remember yesterday, I told you about aLinks, the plug-in that links automatically to sites that you pre-define for keywords on your blog. Today, I have a plug-in that will keep visitors on your site longer, reading more articles.
The plug-in that I am recommending today is called “Related Posts.” Related Post is a plug-in that makes a list of posts on your blog that have a relation to the post that the reader just finished reading. For example, let’s say that I write an article about the Museum in San Francisco that I recently visited. Well, maybe a year ago I visited a museum in Denver, and before that a museum in New Orleans. At the end of my article about the Museum in San Francisco, it would say “Related Posts” and would link over to these articles about other museum visits! It’s all automatic, based on the content of the article. You don’t have to go in and set up all of these relationships between the articles, the software looks at the words in the articles, and finds the relationships automatically.
Now, by adding these related post links at the end of the article, there is a good chance that the reader who is interested in the topic of the post he is reading will choose to read older articles that are on related subjects. And, the more articles he reads, the better chance you have to make money from his visit.
Give Related Posts a try! I like it and use it on many of my blogs! I think you will find it useful too. And, over time, I think it will help you increase your earnings by $1 per day – or more!
Funny. I just posted on my SmallPress Blog about how I am making significant changes on my website in order to keep folks there longer. You can see that post if you click on my name above.
It’s always a fine line when you make these choices about giving away free content. However, I think it will keep more people on the site and I think it will increase book sales. It seems a little counter-intuitive for some, but there have now been enough examples out there that show, after a certain point, people will buy the book.
Hi Tom – I agree with you, giving away content is the best way to make money from your knowledge. You can still follow two paths – give it all away free and let the advertising pay for it, or give some away, and sell your premium content.
I will be giving away lots of labs and activities and other content on my new website. I need to get the adsense first, though.
Hi KevinS – Good luck with your site! I hope it makes a nice bit of money for you.