A lot of times, I get an e-mail from people who want to know how to make money on the Internet.
“Bob, what kind of website can I put up to make money?”
“What can I write about that will earn the most money?”
“What can I sell online to make a big profit?”
“Bob, please, will you share the secret of how to make money on the Internet?”
Ah, yes. The secret. Well, you know, those of us who make money on the Internet don’t always share “the big secret” of success on the Internet. It is closely guarded, and to let it out into the public realm might cause a riot, panic all around the world. If people knew the big secret to Internet success, the world might go wild. It’s easy money after all, right?
Well, today, I am feeling a bit crazy, and I am sitting here pondering the question about the secret of Internet earning. Should I do it? Hmm…
OK, I am going to give in and tell everybody what the big secret is. I am going to give it away for free right here on Virtual Earner.
Here it is:
To make money on the Internet, you have to do something.
Yep, that’s it. Stop talking and actually do something. Anything. Try out your ideas.
You see, most people that I know of talk a lot about wanting to make money online, but they never really get off their butts and actually do anything. Then, because they are not earning anything they moan and groan about their lack of earnings. But, it’s the same as in real life… if you do nothing, you certainly will earn nothing. If you sit on your easy chair and watch TV, and do nothing else, earnings will not magically come in. You have to get your butt out of that chair and go to work, put in 8 hours (or whatever time you are scheduled to work) and go back again the next day before any company will pay you.
Same thing on the Internet. You have to get your butt off that easy chair and implement one of your ideas on the net. You have to keep doing it day after day, year after year, or you will not be earning any money.
So, stop complaining about not being able to earn money, just do it.
I am being 100% honest with you here. That, in my opinion, is the secret to making money on the Internet.
haha. that’s funny. it’s like saying, “The secret is, there is no secret.” And yes you’re absolutely right about getting your butts off and just doing it . 🙂
Hi Carlos – Ha ha… yeah, it’s a little fun, but also true! If you just sit and talk, nothing will happen then! Doing anything is better than doing nothing! 🙂
The secret to making money online is to make money by selling products that show people how to make money online :):)
Ha ha.. that is one way, Earl.. but only one way. There are literally hundreds of ways to make money online. I make and sell informational products teaching people how to earn money online, but I don’t have a single one that says “make money by telling others how to make money.” I tell them real, true ways to earn an honest living online, just like what I do. 🙂
One way to make money online is to find a product that people will want to buy and market it.
my wife and i have our own business and at times has done quite well 🙂
You are so right, Earl… making money online is not much different than making money in the “real world”… find something that people want, and make it available to them!
Congratulations, Earl… I am really happy that you have found success! It’s a great feeling!
yes it is and to do something and make it work is a thrill beyond compare…as you know 🙂
I agree, Earl. Sometimes the thrill is worth more than the money you make! It reinforces you to keep working hard!
I want to sell nothing online too. No wait, thats not right. I want to do nothing and sell something online. Oh wait that is what people think they should do. So I have to do something AND sell something.
🙂 Thanks Bob you put things in a matter of fact way that lets people know there is work involved but a reward for that hard work in the end. Still working on my product for my website. I hope to have it up and running this month!
Hi Darin – I was a little tongue in cheek with this article, but serious as well, because truly people ask me how to do it… yet, many refuse to actually do the work. For some reason a lot of people think that to make money on the net there is some kind of magic, and you just sit back and the money starts rolling in. Like you say, whenever you want to earn money, though, there is work involved, and people seem to forget that step of the equation! 😆
Take care, my friend.