This morning, I had an interesting exchange on Facebook with an acquaintance of mine. I met this fellow a few months ago at a luncheon, and have seen him a couple of times since then. His name is Fra, and he lives here in Davao City, where I also live. Fra is a Filipino, and he works in a tech job, I believe as a freelancer of sorts, although I am not 100% certain on that. Fra is a young fellow and a really nice guy. I hope that I will be able to know him better as time goes by.
Anyway, I noticed on Facebook that Fra said this:
Life isn’t JUST about making money — even though we all strive for it. It is about loving what you do and being happy doing it.
Very true. There is more to life than making money, no doubt on that. I replied to Fra, though, with the following:
But the great thing is when you can do what you love, and that is what makes you money. That’s the best of all possibilities!
This comment seemed to perk up Fra’s ears a bit, and he replied that he enjoys partying and drinking beer, and wished he could make a living doing that. I went on to tell Fra that he could do that if he tried to, and that really you could make money out of anything you are passionate about. I argue that if Fra enjoys drinking beer and partying, he can make money doing that if he wants to.
Well, there are a number of ways.
Do people actually make money from partying? Drinking beer? You better believe that there are people who do.
The first person that comes to mind is Kim Kardashian. I don’t believe that Kim is a big beer drinker, but she is certainly into partying and drinking other “adult beverages.” And, she certainly makes money by doing those things. I mean, as I have heard so many times, the Kardashians, particularly Kim, is famous for being famous. Nothing else really. She goes around partying, drinking, having “adult relationships” (search Google for Kardashian sex tape and you’ll see what I mean. Basically, doing these things is how she got famous.
Now, Fra may not get a TV show, but he can make money other ways by partying. Fra is a blogger, for one thing. He can start a blog about his partying and beer. He can start a blog about beer tasting, rating different brands of beer. Perhaps if he can grow the popularity of such a blog, he can get a beer company to sponsor his blog. Maybe they will pay him, or at the very least provide him with free beer! I’m pretty sure that Fra and many others would not complain about being provided with free beer. I am not really a beer drinker, and even I would not complain about that! 😉
If Fra’s blog gained popularity to the point where a lot of people followed Fra, he could probably work out a deal with a local bar who would give him free beer, because if he hangs out at a certain bar, his blog fans will also go there, just to see him, and party with him. It’s all pretty simple, really. All of this can grow and grow. Maybe Fra would get an offer to do a TV commercial for San Miguel Beer? Maybe he could travel all around the country and do appearances where he would even be paid.
Think that all of this is far-fetched? Perhaps it is a bit, but I know that it is not impossible. How do I know? It happened to me. No, not with beer or partying, but through other means. I started blogging about 20 years ago, really, before the word “blogging” or “blog” even existed. Later, about 6 years ago, I started blogging on the topic of my life in the Philippines. That grew and grew. I got offers from companies. I make money just because I live in the Philippines, and share my experiences with others. Not the kind of money that Kim Kardashian makes, but nice money. I mean, just from that blog, I make a lot more money than I ever made at any job I had in the USA. So, can it be done? You better believe it can. Will Fra do it? I don’t know for sure, but if he works hard (or should I say parties hard?), and he sticks it out for the long run… he can do it. That I am sure of.
So, Fra, good luck. Partying and drinking beer is a hard job, but somebody has to do it, right? 😉
Bob, I did that for years! LOL
Bob, I did that for years! LOL
Bob, I did that for years! LOL
A man after my heart, Tommy!
A man after my heart, Tommy!
A man after my heart, Tommy!
Nice post Bob! You’ve really given me an idea there. haha I think if we set our minds to something we really wanted to achieved we could definitely get it. I better start looking for sponsors then. 🙂 Thanks Bob!
If you make money from drinking beer, Fra, I want a commission of one case per month. Ha ha
well the beer drinking part doesnt sound great to me. I have never liked the taste of beer and moreover, it really doesnt like me. but i can grasp right on to the concept of making money doing something I really love. i am thinking of having a blog too someday , dont know yet what it will all consist of but i know if im enjoying what i am blogging, then so will others. i think!!!!!haha
Hi Donna, you can bet that if you choose a topic that you are passionate about you will have fun, and your site will have the best odds of success.
Hi Bob,
Anything is possible mate, even making money in this fashion. Although, most of your points would be difficult, one is a real goer and that is the one where you mention the local bar caper where you get paid in free beer (as a minimum) to bring your gaggle of mates along with you. You can then negotiate with other bars for a better deal to take your entourage to their bar . . . reminds me of that Clint Eastwood spaghetti western where he upped the price of his services with the different outlaw gangs in town!
Have a good one, Bob
Being Friday night here I’m enjoying an ale myself now as I type!
Hi Lee, nice tonhear from you here on this site! I did not see that movie, am only slightly an Eastwood fan. Whether Fra tris this plan or not, I feel pretty confident that he will find success, as he is a smart guy.
Have a good weekend!