OK, so you build a new website. It’s all fancy, and you put a lot of hard work into it, right? Well, why is nobody coming?
Remember the old movie where there was a kind of “catch-phrase?” “If you build it, they will come.” This voice was ringing in the mind of Kevin Costner in the movie “Field of Dreams.” He built the baseball diamond in his cornfield, and sure enough, people came. It doesn’t necessarily happen that way on the web. People don’t go to websites that they don’t know about.
So, how do you make sure that people know about your new site?
Well, it can be a little tricky. Let’s assume that this is your first website, OK? In my opinion, the most effective thing you can do is to start visiting blogs that are on the same (or similar) topic as your site. Make comments. Join the discussion. Now, I am not talking about making a comment like this:
Hey everybody, visit my new blog! It is at: insert your url here
This kind of comment will never be of much help to you! Don’t do it. First of all, the people who read that know nothing about you, so why should they go visit your site? Secondly, the owner of the site where you post that will probably not be too happy. You see, the purpose of the comment section on blogs is not for people to go post their URL! The purpose is to participate in an educated discussion! When you leave your comment, your name will be linked over to your site. If you leave a comment that is intelligent and adds to the discussion, I guarantee you that some of the readers will click on your name and go visit your site! When they see that you know what you are talking about, they will naturally be interested to go and read more of what you have to say!
Other things you can do to get traffic for a first website: participate in forums where you can leave your link (follow the same policy as with commenting on blogs – post important and relevant info along with your link); Participate in online mailing lists that are on-topic with your site; purchase some advertising! You can join Google AdWords, and place your own ad on many websites for very little money! All of these methods will get traffic for you! If you are a good writer, how about approaching owners of popular blogs in your field, and offer to do a guest post or a series of guest posts? Usually, if you write a guest post, the blog owner is happy to link to your blog!
There are also offline ways that you can attract traffic. Print up some new business cards and make sure that your URL is prominently featured on the card. Same thing for new office stationery. If you are an expert in your field, make sure the local newspapers know about you, and that you will be a person to interview if a news story comes up in your area of expertise! Maybe you can even do a guest spot on a radio or TV show. Seek out opportunities to speak at events, and make sure that your website is mentioned. Just think of it like this – use every opportunity possible to get your blog URL known to the public!
Now, keep this in mind. If you work really hard and build up your profile so that you become well known in your area of expertise, you can launch new websites with ease! After you become well known, you launch a new site, announce it on your original site (which has become well known through your hard work), and instantly people who like you will start reading the new site too! It is that easy! I know this for a fact, because it is the model that I have followed, and I have a lot of blogs, and they each have a good readership! You can do that too.
And, you may ask, what is the advantage of getting a lot of readers? What is the advantage of becoming an expert in your field? Well, honestly, the more of an expert you become, the more of a “go-to” person you become, the more money you will make. Building your profile online is the best way to make money start rolling in. When you get big enough, people start coming to you with deals to make money. People want you to endorse something of theirs, and they will pay you to do so.
Believe me. I know.
Hi Bob. After this internet course is finished, how about a separate course on how to make money on Ebay step-by-step?
Hi Eric – I have written some step by step instructions for eBay in the past, although not fully detailed. The Courses that I mentioned the other day will include an eBay course, and will even have a money back guarantee if you do not reach a guaranteed income level from selling on eBay! It’s probably a few months off, but will certainly be coming!
I have learned a lot from your blog. Thanks!
Hi jms18 – thank you very much! I consider that to be quite a compliment!
Hi Bob,
Have you heard of Site Build It? I read some really good reviews and testimonials. Isn’t this sort of an all in one website where you do not have to purchase a lot of things seperately that you would with one of those $7. a month websites? What is your opinion of them? Thanks!
Hi Steve – Yes, I am familiar with Site Build It, but not in depth. I know that some time back, it was something that Steve Pavlina was recommending. You can get your own domain, and webhosting cheaply, and no need for any extras. I just believe in having my own set up, and something like Site Build It would not be for me, but we all have different views. I don’t believe it is a bad thing, or of no value, it just is not for me.
re: “When you leave your comment, your name will be linked over to your site. . . .some of the readers will click on your name and go visit your site!” Just a small technical question, do you mean your blog/site will be linked so long as you include them in your comments or linked in some other way? I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying your methods & your sites.
Hi R L Graham – When you get ready to comment, you will have to leave your name, URL and e-mail address on the form. When you do that, your name on the comment will link to your site. No need to leave the info within your comment.
I am happy that you enjoy my sites, and I hope that you will continue reading!