I’ve been writing lately about turning you’re online earning from a hobby to a business. Part of the key here is changing the way you think. But, there are other things that you need to do as well if you want to establish a serious online business.
One of your first steps is going to be to develop a following online. Whether you have a website, a blog, an e-commerce store or a combination of all of these, you won’t really achieve huge success until, or unless you develop a crowd of people who follow you online. Even if you manage to become very popular online, you still need to turn that level of online success into something larger and find a way to get those followers to part with some money or do things to help you achieve financial success.
Financial success can be achieved in a number of ways.
- Your followers can support the people who advertise on your site by purchasing items from those advertisers. As your followers support those who choose to advertise with you and let the advertiser know that he made the purchase because of that ad on your site. By doing this, your reader will help you in attracting other companies to advertise on your site. The more advertisers you can achieve on your site, the more financially successful you will be on the net.
- Your followers can support you by buying products from you. In some cases, maybe you have an online store that sells products. Maybe you have some services that you offer online. Maybe you have eBooks or some other way of selling your knowledge to people, like consulting.
- Your followers can help spread the word about you, telling family and friends that they might also enjoy reading your articles or purchasing from your websites.
All of these kinds of actions can help you achieve more success online.
Once you have a website that is established and has a lot of followers, you can actually leverage that success to become even more successful. How? Turn your site into a multi-author site. Instead of just you writing on the site, others can also write articles on your site.
But, Bob, I sure don’t have the money or inclination to pay people to write on my site.
That is the beauty of it, my friend. You can actually leverage the fact that you are popular to get others to write on your site for free!
How can you do that? Well, there are a few ways to get it done. I will cover that in my next article, so keep checking back to read more!
But, believe me, as you gain popularity on the net, you can leverage that popularity to decrease your personal workload and increase your profits! It can be done, and I’ll show you how.
Wow, I’m definitely going to check back soon for more of these. With regards to multi-authoring, I’m actually considering that and I’m starting locally. That is, I’m now spreading my invitations to my family and friends here in CDO to consider writing some posts for my blog. So far, I’ve received some enthusiastic feedback.
Hi James – I have more about multi-author blogging scheduled for Thursday! Good luck with that, I hope that it works out well for you.
Hi Bob,
Happy to have found your site, and your article on ‘Leveraging your online popularity’ really makes sense. Know what, im never a fan of blogging (to my dismay), and could hardly get into FB (yes there are still people living in medieval ages these days!), till my daughter run it for me. And i was actually pushed into social networking for many reasons, top of which is because we are currently running a Mindanao wide photo competition (from our base in Dubai).
But you just gave me a shot in the arm.
So thanks for that, and more power to you!
Truly appreciate your love for Mindanao.
Hi Wilma – Thanks for your comment. I’m glad that my article gave you some things to think about. Good luck with your photo competition!
hi Bob,
thanks for replying promptly.
by the way, I’m from South Cotabato, born in a small town called Tupi (hope you’ve been there?). so its really great feeling to read beautiful stories about Mindanao, and coming from you just gave it more meaning. cheers to that!
so how can i contribute stories to your website?
all the best,
Hi Wilma – Since this is kind of my personal site, I don’t accept contributions on this site from others. However, if you wanted to write an article or two for one of my other sites like Live in the Philippines, or Mindanao Magazine, I would certainly be happy to accept that! Just let me know.
ohh, Mindanao Magazine i guess is the perfect place..
if my writing is acceptable to you , that is
Hi Wilma – Sure, just write the article and send it to me and I will give it a look! I will e-mail you privately with my e-mail address.
thanks Bob,
i recently published a book about Mindanao, are you okay with excerpts or articles already published by magazines in Dubai?
i hope thats fine with you.
hey, i read with keen interest your coffee ventures esp getting coffee beans from Mt. Matutum.
Mt. Matutum is actually one chapter of my book, and im at present, very much planning to open a cafe shop in Dubai, but i want authentic local coffee beans. or perhaps i may just have to brew only authentic coffee beans from anywhere in the world depending on affordability (of the source?). would you know if Matutum coffee is exported in UAE?
thanks for your time Bob.
Hi Wilma – I can publish excerpts of your already published articles, provided they meet two criteria:
1. They are not already online, only in print form.
2. The original publisher does not hold copyright to the articles.
I am not sure if Matutum coffee is exported or not. I would suspect that it is not, because it is a limited crop, though.
yes, the articles meet your two criteria, and already sent via your email.
awaiting your comments.