Yesterday, I told you about a project that I set up recently, a new store that I put online. That store earned me a nice profit within the first 24 hours that it was online. The success of that project got me thinking about earning money online, and frankly, it kicked off a whole new concept in my mind.
I have been thinking for a while now, “why don’t other people earn money online as I do?” The answer that I come up with most of the time is that people think that they can’t make money online. They think it is too hard to do. They think that they have to be a computer expert to do it. Nothing could be further from the truth!
A huge number of people tell me that they want to earn money on the Internet. If you were to do a survey and ask people this question:
Would you like to earn money online?
I would have to guess that the majority of people would say “Yes!” Of course, why wouldn’t somebody want to earn some extra money? So, I would have to think that the vast majority of people would say that they would like to make some money online.
If you were doing that poll that I mentioned, and the second question that you asked was this:
Are you currently making money online?
I would guess that 90%+ (I feel it would be 99%) would answer “No.” People think that making money online is hard to do. Some people think that you have to be dishonest to make money online. These things couldn’t be further from the truth!
With all of this in mind, I have come up with a new idea that I want to encourage you to try.
Let me ask you this – if it really came down to serious business if you could not come up with a way to feed your family and were in dire straights financially, could you figure out a way to earn $1 per day online? Just ONE DOLLAR, no more. Could you do that? I asked this question to two friends yesterday. These two guys had recently told me that they have given up on making money online because they feel it cannot be done. When I asked them if they could figure out a way to make $1 per day online, they kind of chuckled and said: “Of course, that’s easy.” They are right, $1 per day is not very much money after all.
OK, so let’s say that you have implemented your idea and you are bringing in $1 per day. The next week, could you come up with another idea that would bring you in $1 per day? Maybe it’s a whole new idea. Maybe it’s a refinement of your previous idea that would make it produce $2 per day for you ($1 per day that it is already bringing in, and an extra $1 per day). Whatever the idea is, as long as it can bring you at least $1 extra per day, it fits in. So, week after week, you come up with an idea that will bring you $1 extra per day. At the end of 1 year, you would be taking in $52 per day more than you were a year earlier. $52 per day ($1 per day extra per week for a year) is $1,560 per month. That’s $18,720 per year. It’s not big money, but this is just extra money over your regular income. What if you do it for 3 years, then your take would be an extra $156 per day or $4,680 per month. By the time you could probably quit your day job. And imagine, all of these things stem from just making $1 extra per day!
Now, think about this – some of those ideas are going to bring in much MORE than $1 per day. The new store that I put up on the net is bringing me an extra $150 to $200 per day. You will hit on ideas that are much more profitable. This means that your income will increase faster than what I projected in the previous paragraph. But, I believe that a real key is to focus on what is easy – just $1 per day extra. Anything more than $1 per day will be just over and above the goal. If you made your focus that you needed to make $1,000 per day, after only a few days you would lose interest, because it would be too hard to attain, especially as a beginner.
So, can you come up with any ideas to bring you an extra $1 per day? Keep reading this site, as I am going to run a whole series of posts about my new $1 per day project.
Hi Bob,
Ok, once again you have my complete attention. I am one of those who wants to earn a living online, but can’t seem to get into gear. I have “mental overload” on ideas, but none have been implemented. I will personally challenge myself with your words of inspiration to get myself in gear.
Hi Henry – I encourage you to do it! Bite off small pieces instead of instantly going for the large prize. A small chunk like $1 per day is something that anybody can do. To be able to achieve wealth on the first try is rarely accomplished!
Indeed this does look good Bob. As you recall, when we talked about this off line in the past … I didn’t grasp the significance of just what that first dollar will ean to many. Good thinking on your part and it’s given me the impetus to get a long-moribund site of mine going again where I will be posting some companion/clarification articles.
To Henry and the other folks listening, I know exactly what you mean about information overload, but trust me … take it in small bites and it can be done. Hey even Donald Trump had to earn just one single dollar first.
Hi Dave – I’m glad that you found some value in the series! I saw your writeup on your other blog too, thanks for that!
Hi Bob I like this concept. Actually I have heard this time and time again however it doesn’t hurt to hear it again. As you have told me before you essentially have to take those baby steps first which is easily achievable,yet rewarding at the same time. I’m looking forward to applying this but as in many times in the past, I get caught up with all the hype of internet businesses and information overload which drives me crazy. Thanks for being there for us. Tony
Hi Tony Grosse – Thank YOU for visiting my site! And, good luck in building your own Internet Empire!