Did you ever find a blog that you really enjoy reading, and after you read it for a while the articles just stop coming? There are so many blogs like this. So, when this happens, what do you do? If you are like me, after a blog has gone dry for a while, you eventually […]
Setting up your blog
OK, so now that you’ve completed the things I recommended on my last post, you should have your domain name, a hosting account with some company that will host your domain, and hopefully, you got an account with CPanel and Fantastico for the administration of your account. I am going to write this post based […]
Comments or no comments?
This morning, I came across a very interesting article… err… debate regarding whether or not the average blog should use comments or disable them altogether. Well, I have my own thoughts on this, but first, let me point you to the article. The debate can be found on a site called Think Traffic. I don’t […]
It’s already 2011, time to get to work!
Yes, this past weekend brought us a new year, a fresh start for all of us. But, just because it is a new year, that doesn’t mean that all is good and we can just rest! No, in fact, the new year has brought with it a bunch of work that needs to be done! […]
$1 per day: Get it from Google!
Do you have a blog? If not, you really should consider having one. The first thing that people ask about having a blog is this – “What will I write about?” Well to be totally honest, that is a decision for you to make! My best advice is this: Write about something that you are […]
Why RSS?
Do you know what RSS is? Some people say it stands for “Really Simple Syndication.” Others argue that it stands for “RDF Site Summary,” and still others say that it means “Rich Site Summary.” The most widely accepted notion, though, is that RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication.” That is what I mean when I […]