Welcome back to my series of articles on the topic of creating streams of income, how I did it, how I got to the point where I am, and where I intend to go. So, as I noted yesterday, I have been wanting to make writing and publishing the mainstay of my income river. Many […]
Full “stream” ahead!
I set out this morning to write a single article about how my book writing and selling business has developed into a strong and very reliable source of income for me. As I started writing and continued to do so, the words just flowed nicely, thoughts came into my head, and I started realizing that […]
Good and Bad?
I had an interesting day yesterday. I’ll tell you more about it shortly, but first I’d like to lay out some background information. For about 3 or more years now, I have been working on “building my list”. If you don’t know what list I am talking about, well, most people who make money on […]
Business Resolution Updates
Well, we are a month and a half into 2013 already! Many times, when people make New Year’s Resolutions, by this point those resolutions have already long since been forgotten and things are back to normal already. I guess it’s just the nature of resolutions, most people just don’t follow through and “get ‘er done” […]
Resolution #1: Write 20 e-Books
Twenty books in one year? That is a big, big order. Much more than that, I think I am going to try to accomplish this in only 3 months or so! As I told you last week, I have set up a series of 4 “Business Resolutions” for the new year, 2013, and this is […]
I hereby resolve…
2013 is here! The ringing in of a new year always seems to be accompanied by a series of resolutions where people resolve to make changes in their lives. Probably the number one New Year’s resolution is to lose weight or become healthier in some way. Over the years, I have also followed the ritual […]