A few days ago, I was browsing the Web a bit, and I decided to go an visit a website of a fellow that I know. His website, frankly, is not very nice. It’s poorly laid out. Many of the articles are not well written, or about subjects that tend to really bore me. But, […]
Pricing yourself for success
A lot of times, I hear from people who are planning to start up some kind of new business, usually something online. Often, I hear from people that I really don’t know well, but who follow me through my various websites, but sometimes the people I hear from our good friends. Usually, people who write […]
Pulling the trigger
What kind of person are you? Do you pull the trigger, or do you just talk? Personally, I am a trigger puller, I feel it’s the only way to live life. Most people, though, I feel, are talkers, and rarely pull the trigger. Do you know what I’m talking about? What do I mean about […]
Always keep moving
It’s just part of life – if you rest too long, others will pass you by. It’s always important to keep moving forward! This is as true in the world of e-Commerce as it is in any other part of life. Over the years, I have opened and operated many different e-Commerce sites. I am […]
I believe that a shift is coming
We are at a crossroads right now in the economic sense. The signs are everywhere you look. Seemingly rich companies that have survived for decades, even longer, are going bankrupt. People like General Motors and other automakers that at one time had unlimited sources of capital or begging for handouts from the government. All is […]
What can I write about?
Whether it be for writing a blog, writing an e-book or any other form of writing, one of the biggest reasons for failure is that the person doing the writing simply stops writing. In my experience, the biggest reason why people stop writing its because they can’t figure out what to write about. Frankly, if […]