Less than two weeks ago, I posted an article here about doing a spin-off. Well, the spin-off has been completed, and I’m very happy with the results!
So, today, I’ll tell more about the spin-off, and how things worked out.
On one of my sites, the Live in the Philippines Web Magazine, I had a page about Philippine Dual Citizenship. The page was nothing more than a reprint of the text of the law pertaining to Philippine Dual Citizenship. Something happened on that page, though, a lot of people used the page to ask questions on the topic, by leaving a comment. Well, it so happens that I know a fair amount on the topic, and can answer most questions, so I replied to each and every commenter with an answer to their query. Over the years, the page climbed the search engines and ended up placing very highly on sites like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
Because of the success of the page, I decided that the topic deserved a website of its own, so I did a spin-off and created a new site, Philippine Dual Citizenship. Next, I took each of the comments from my old page and used the question asked, and my answer to the question to create a new post on the new site. I scheduled each of these 400 comments to be posted, one post daily on the new site. Because it takes two comments to make a post (one comment is a question, and another comment is my answer to the question), that means that I had 200 new posts scheduled daily for the coming 7 or 8 months to seed the site with information!
Additionally, I put up a contact form where new visitors to the site can ask questions about dual citizenship, and I will then take their questions, answer them and post that on the site as a new post.
So, right now, I have a site that has scheduled posts that will keep it active with a new post each day for the next 7+ months. Additionally, I have a way for new questions to be asked, which will lead to additional new posts for the site. A relatively minor amount of work to create a brand new site.
In addition to that, I have also written a new e-book on the topic of Philippine Dual Citizenship, which will produce income for the new site. I also have Google AdSense ads, and other types of ads on the site as well.
Some Amazing Numbers
So, how is the new site doing? It is doing amazingly well. On average, here are some performance metrics for the new site, which is less than 2 weeks old:
- If you search for “Philippine Dual Citizenship” on Google, the site ranks #3 in the search results. Amazing for such a young site!
- If you search for “Philippine Dual Citizenship” on Bing, the site ranks #8 in the search results.
- If you search for “Philippine Dual Citizenship” on Yahoo… get ready for this… the site ranks #1 in the search results!
- From various forms of advertising, the site is already earning an average of 65 cents per day, or nearly $20 per month.
- I am averaging selling 2 of my e-books per week, or $20 per week, $86 per month.
- Between e-books and advertising revenue, the site is already earning $106 per month.
- On average, I get two new dual citizenship questions each day, which guarantees fresh content on the site well into the future.
None of those stats are very bad for a site that is less than 2 weeks old. Even the age of the domain name is under 2 weeks! Amazing results!
Now, if a brand new site is already earning more than $100 per month on average, imagine what the earnings will be in a year, or in 5 years! Frankly, the sky is the limit.
Now, you might be wondering, what methods did I use to get such quick results? I did two things:
- First, as I indicated in my previous article about doing a spin-off, I set up a 301 redirect so that the “juice” from my previous page on my other site would immediately transfer to the new site.
- Second, and I feel very important, I set up a Facebook Fan Page for the new site, and I am getting a ton of traffic from Facebook.
Looking for more niches
Right now, I am searching through my various sites, mining to find other niche topics that have performed well on the various sites, topics which deserve a website of their own. Imagine, if I can replicate the results of the Philippine Dual Citizenship site on a half dozen other niches? If I were to have 6 or 7 such niche sites in a year or two, the earnings could easily be in excess of a few thousand US Dollars per month, just from these relatively small and narrow niches.
People tell me that you can’t make money on the Internet. I must be doing something wrong because my experience is not the same… I find that it’s hard not to make money on the net if you follow your instincts!
Congrats, Bob! I am still looking for that niche that I can get into and am knowledgeable enough. To date, I don’t have any that I think I can use. Most of my knowledge about things are mediocre. But I think I can get by with photography….even though that is saturated already… which I am well.. not really hopeful about it because there’s tonnes of stuff online about photography already!
Then, I have to market that site.. socialize it SEO it etc.. the rest of it..
Hi JC – Thanks! I have been very happy with the way that my new site has gone so far.
You know, I personally believe that you have a site with HUGE POTENTIAL with your Kidapawan site. You need to approach people like hotels, restaurants and such and work out advertising deals. Did you realize that if you search for “Kidapawan” on Google your site is #3? Any person who is going to travel to Kidapawan and has never been there is naturally search on the Internet to learn about the place before they come. You have a potential gold mine there in my opinion. But, you have to work to put together some advertising deals. I would set up the site as a travel portal for the city. Keep the forum too, but make that an add-on to the main site instead of the meat of the site as it is now.
When it comes to Kidapawan, you are one of the “big boys” on the net. When it comes to photography, you are nobody and it will take you years of hard work to become “somebody” for that keyword because there are tons of people on the net keying on photography.
Good luck, JC. You can do it, but only if you want it badly and are willing to put in some work. I personally believe that you could be making $1,000 per month from your site within 6 months to a year.
Let me echo Bob’s thoughts emphatically. I was just going to let his comments stand until I read these words of yours:
These sort of thoughts, more than any sort of online technicalities, are what is standing in the way of most people making money … online or off.
The average person has marketable knowledge in many areas, just by virtue of having lived and made a life for themselves. But if you think of yourself as “not that much”, then that’s exactly what others are going to think of you. People are pretty accommodating that way …. they’ll pretty much think of you the way you “signal” them to think of you.
In your case, as Bob (and Google) point out, you are already a ranking expert in a unique and interesting subject. It’s hardly “mediocre”, JC.
There are well over 10,000 searches per month with the word “Kidapawan” in them. In the immortal words of Harry Truman, paraphrased by your truly, “There’s a Philippine pony in there, somewhere.” Godspeed.
Hi Dave – Thanks for backing me up on that. I believe that JC has a huge opportunity. With 10K monthly searches, and a #3 ranking, he should be able to make a nice income if he properly monetizes the site.
For that I think I’ll need to go offline with you for consultations and what not… or think about the “how to’s” some more.. I didn’t even realize I”m up ranked 3 in google! All I am doing is trying to put the links through different social sites.. there’s about 4-8 or mabye six of them– don’t know where i’ve spammed them 3-4 of them are automated and the rest I have to manually do unless I can find plug-ins for them..
I’m willing to do the hard yards. I think I’m already doing that.. but the focus might not be the right one… anywayz.. i know it’s only 3:30pm but that is like 3:30 am for me! need sleep so I can get up again and back to work…
HI JC – I honestly see huge potential in your site. Google obviously is treating you kindly, being ranked #3. But, you have to properly monetize it.
Your first job is to provide the content in an organized manner, then promote it. When you do that, the money will surely follow.
Rule One to make money — find something people need help with.
Rule Two — provide something to fill that need
Rule Three –Take Action.
Rule One and Rule Two are not that hard. Most of us, including the undersigned, are miserable at executing Rule Three.
On line the risks are so small it just doesn’t make sense Not to take action. Look at the opposite alternative that could resulted instead of success from taking this action. One more ‘dead’, non-performing website on line? No big thing, most of us have a few of those.
But you are right, it’s hard not to make money when once we make the move and do something.
Hi Dave – Thanks for your comment. As you know through our private conversations, I am very pleased with the way the new site is going. You also know that I am in the middle of developing another spin-off, in fact it will probably be 100% ready by tomorrow sometime, and ready for launch.
You are so right, your rule #3 is an important one. Wanting to do something, knowing what to do and such is important.. but if no action is taken, whatever the ideas in a person’s mind, they are worth nothing.+