Today it is time to wrap up this series on why people would buy something that they can get free on the Internet. This final topic is one that I love too. I also find it to be very true!
It’s all about YOU!
You have something unique to offer. Even if somebody else has the same facts as you do, if they write up an article or a book on a topic, it is going to be different than what you write. You are the only person that mixes the information with your unique personality and writing style and comes up with the unique product that you have. Nobody else’s product will be exactly the same.
If you have a website or a large following from any other source such as social media or elsewhere, you have that following for a reason. The people like YOU. They find something about you that attracts them and makes them like the information that you share, or the way that you share it.
If they purchase their information resource from any other person, they are not getting your unique mix. They like you, they find you to be engaging, and they need to get the information from you.
Access is also important
I have a very large online following. I have a number of websites on different topics, and many thousands of people read my sites each and every day. These folks follow me in various ways. Some follow me on Facebook. Others on Twitter, still others like my YouTube Channel. Frankly, most follow me on one of my own websites.
Because of the number of followers I have, on an average day, I get around 800 emails. It can be quite a job keeping up with all of it! I try to respond to every email I get in some way, but it is not always possible. But, if I get an email or some other type of contact from a customer, a person who has bought something from me, I always reply! And, I reply to customers first, ahead of others who are not customers. Why? Well, because I feel that I owe the customer that level of responsiveness.
So, when you buy a product from me, you are also buying access to me. You are ensuring that if you need help, I am here to give it to you, as part of the customer service that I owe you for making a purchase. It is that simple.
Access to me is of value. I am not saying that to brag or saying that I am so important that you have to buy something to be able to talk to me. As I said, I do my best to reply to everybody, but a customer gets priority 100% of the time. But, the truth is, very simply, that I am important to that person that bought my product. If they didn’t think that I was important or my information I could provide was important, they would not have bought from me, they would have just searched out the information for free.
I offer added value. When you buy information from me, it is not just a one time purchase and you are on your own. No. I believe in giving value, and giving follow up. You have access to me through email or other routes if you prefer. That is my responsibility to the buyer.
What happens on a fairly regular basis is that people will search out the information for free, then after they read it all and learn what they wanted to learn, they will get in touch with me to talk it all over and basically verify that what they learned is correct. I am sorry, but I don’t have a responsibility to offer service to people who are not my customer. When I get so many emails each and every day, 7 days per week, it comes down that I need and wants to spend some time with my wife and kids. So, who am I going to help? The guy who bought my product, or the guy who wants free information? I sometimes try to help the free guy too, it might lead to a sale down the road. But, I always help the guy who supported me through making a purchase.
That may sound cold or uncaring to some, but it is a simple truth. It is true for everybody, not just me, many people just won’t say it like I just did.
I do my best to provide the following to my customers:
- Accuracy
- Timely information
- Concise information
- Service after the sale
- An ability to always get in touch with me for follow up
I feel that those things are my responsibility. I don’t have that responsibility to those who get their information elsewhere. I have a strong sense of commitment to those who support me and my businesses.
Hope you enjoyed this series
When I first saw the article and video from Marie Forleo, I really enjoyed it and found it inspirational. That is why I decided to share it here. I hope you enjoyed it and learned as much as I did. Thanks for reading this, and for visiting my site!
And… let me close with a line that Marie said, one which I really love:
I am better than free!
Don’t miss out – Read the entire series of articles!
Why would somebody pay for that?
Results vs. Random Information
You! – (this article)
Enjoyable series, Bob.
Thank you, Chas, I am glad that you enjoyed it!