Last year, March 11, 2008, I wrote an article on this site encouraging you to find ways to earn small amounts of money. In fact, I encouraged you to just shoot for ideas that could bring you $1 per day. My advice was to try to come up with a new $1 per day idea each week. If you did that, by now you would be bringing in around $40 per day right now. That’s about $1200 per month on average. Probably not enough to live a great life, but as a supplement to your income, it’s a nice little wad each month. Keep moving ahead with earning an extra $1 per day per week, in a couple of years you won’t have to work a “real job” any longer.
So, I wrote a lot of articles about my $1 per day project, right? Was it all just words, or did I actually do something? Well, honestly, writing the articles was part of my quest to earn an extra $1 per day, because bringing more readers to the site helps it make more money for me! That’s how the game works, after all. Let’s look at three projects that I built up in the past year.
- Selling Load (credit for cellular phones) online. This was my first new project that was part of my push to make an extra $1 per day. I knew that this particular project would earn a lot more than $1 per day, but I put a lot of time into this project too, so the payoff needed to be better than $1 per day. Believe me, it was too! It is an ongoing project that just keeps earning a little more every month, and I’m very happy with the results.
- Informational Products (eBooks, Printed Books, and Videos). I actually have two different stores selling these products (both stores are my own). Primarily, the eBooks have done the best, the Videos have done only so-so thus far. I have some ideas, though on how to improve the sales of the Video, and I’ll be implementing that as a new project for 2009. The eBooks have done really good, though, and I have plans to write 3 or 4 more eBooks this year. Those new eBooks will also be considered as new projects for 2009. Based on my eBook performance last year, the new books should really fulfill my $1 per day goals for the entire year of 2009, anything extra will just be gravy.
- Blogs and Blogging. I actually shut down a lot of blogs in 2008. A year ago I had about 200 blogs. Today I have about a half dozen. After analyzing the amount of money I was spending on the blogs, I decided that it wasn’t worth the effort. I decided to concentrate my efforts on a few blogs that were personally important to me and to build them up into good earners. So, overall, I lost revenue when it comes to Google AdSense and other Advertising programs. However, on one of the blogs that I still have going, I increased my earnings by about $2,000 per month, and that more than makes up what I lost by shutting down the majority of my blogs.
So, 2008 was a great year when it comes to my $1 per day project. With the three projects that I just mentioned, my per day earnings amounted to approximately $95 per day, or about double where I should be right now.
How about you? Did you try my $1 per day project that I recommended? If so, how did you do? Are you making at least $40 per day from your new projects now? If you are, congratulations, you are a success in my $1 per day project! If you didn’t try it, why not? Gear up for a big push in 2009 and see if you can’t get it going this year!
Hi Bob,
I’m really a bit surpised when I see how few people have taken up on this theme. Daily I read comments from people and even get frequent emails, all on a commoon thread … I don’t know how to do it, if only I could, i don’t know where to start, etc.
Then I look at the work you have out in and the expertise that is readily available here and elsewhere and, frankly there are just times I weant to scream at people … you can do it, but only if you _do_ it, dummy
I didn’t work a project specifically for this thread but I have anumbe rof prpojects that do better thna a dollar a day and I recntly have added more. To those of you who are reading and don’t think much of “a dollar a day” or even worse, don’t think you cna do it … re-rad, you are missing the main message:
* Its only a failure when you have given up.
* More websites, and a bigger network only make you more powerful.
* Don’t compare results with what others are doing. Focus on yourself.
* Don’t give up!!
And most importantly, if you don’t start you can’t _possibly_ succeed.
Hi Dave Starr – Very, very true! Everything you said makes sense. You and I both know people who are always complaining about not having any money, yet they don’t seem to try very hard to make money, even when sources of income for them are very obvious! I don’t understand it.
Hi Bob,
Yes, I am guilty of not having participated in this venture. My current jobs (yes, jobs) get in the way of my entrepreneurial dreams. That is a fault of mine on time management. In my preparations for this challenge, I started on a learning quest. Over time, I amassed a great deal of information to the point I think I am suffering from information overload. Now I am trying to sift through the mounds of material I have to form a plan of action.
Hi Henry – Good luck to you, I hope that you are able to overcome the challenges of two jobs, and make some money online! You can do it!
Wow this is neat idea, dollar doesn’t sound like much but if 54 dollars a day after a year and 250+ a day after 5 years its pretty big money already. Reminds me of the fellow who wanted a grain of rice on a chessboard and double the rice amount on each square as his payment , the emperor thought he was getting a steal but in the end the cunning guy effectively owned the kingdom due to the powers of multiples. Very great article. Seems if this is possible any person could retire from true work after 5 yrs quite easily if they put effort into the idea of this article.
Hi Justin – Well, I must say, though, that of course the time will come when you cannot keep adding another dollar per day, but you can indeed build it up to a very nice income. I know, because I’ve done it!
I wasn’t kidding when I said I think you have more sites than jollibee has hamburgers. Its none of my business how much you earn but just want to tell you that every time I search for something lately regarding news articles (I’m a avid news reader) I pull up one of your sites that has news articles. Maybe because its only site now with news regarding Butuan on a regular basis now that sunstar for whatever reason quit carrying stories on Butuan few years back for whatever reason though that site is now my source of news and many other peoples source of news as well. It doesn’t hurt that you have Mr. Serrano there either as hes only news reporter in caraga who isn’t a mercenary.
Hi Justin – I try to be very transparent about how much I earn through my various websites. Right now, my earnings are down significantly from what I earned online 3 or 4 years ago. Still, though, I make a nice income online – I guess in the lower 5 figures per month (dollars, not pesos). Plenty enough to enjoy a good life here in the Philippines.
I had heard the earning are hurting now do to the economy and because the advertisers are re-negotiating with google to get lower prices and etc, wasn’t sure how true it was but I read it on a blog or someplace.
5 figures a month isn’t bad money even for America much better even in Philippines. I make nowhere near that but my mother does as a practitioner and my father was earning 6 figures monthly as Attorney , but his earnings got him sent to a fed camp last year. Yours seems great though as you can earn money by doing what you enjoy and where you enjoy doing it, truly I have no idea how I even spend 5 figures a month here nor there because here I owe no house notes, car notes or anything and in Philippines I spent less than 500bucks a month to live because bargained everything, even a envelope lolol.
Hi Justin – My earnings are not down because of the economy or the downturn. They are down because I have chosen to not work so hard. Nowadays I am working on thing that I enjoy doing rather than working on stuff just to earn money. I like it better this way.
Hey Bob,
You really are an inspiration to me. I need to get off my rear end and start doing something….because I am pretty committed to living in the filipines….and I certainly am not independently wealthy.
I would love to talk to you face to face….I guess when I get to Mindanao on Sunday I need to set up a time to see you.
Oh by the way, I met another person here in Vancouver, Washington that knows you and met you in Davao….I guess last year. Her last name is O’Connor. Can’t remember her first.
Anyway, you are becoming pretty famous in a number of areas!
Take Care,
Hi Todd – Ah, OK, if I remember, her name is Sherry O’Connor. Yes, I have met with her more than once, even!
I would enjoy meeting you. when you get to Davao, give me a call, my cell number is (0915) 216-0300.
Have a safe trip!
Hi Bob,
I’m just new in the internet thing. I’m interested how to earn online.
I like your story. I really want to learn how you do it. Like selling load, how do you do it. Are your customers live in the Philippines? I wish you could share this to me.
I also research some sites on how to make ebooks but never made try. How do you it? Can you share a bit on how you did this?
As for the blogs, I ‘d like to know your best blogs that you retained.
I’d like to try this $1 per day project of yours.
Hi Gil – Thanks for stopping by my site! You certainly have a lot of question!
For almost all of my businesses, my customers are not in the Philippines, they are abroad.
For an eBook, just choose a subject on which you have a lot of knowledge and write about it!
Good luck to you.
One of my goals this year is to start selling on my site and to learn how to make a profit. I’m trying to narrow my focus on Siyensya. Keep writing, this is such a good site for me to read. Keep up the good work.
Hi Kevin – It’s great that you are trying to bring a profit from your website! In your case, I think that you should focus on your online teaching of science to students. Advertise it on your site, and push that, because it is something that you are very good at, and there is a demand for. Good luck to you!
Thanks Bob.
First thing I need to do is learn to type faster. lol