April 24, 2020, We were tested for COVID
I was Positive, Feyma was Negative
How can that be? Feyma and I are husband and wife. We live in the same house. We sleep together. We don’t wear masks or other protection when together alone. How can I be positive while she is negative?
My cousin and some other relatives were discussing this on Facebook the other day and I saw it (they were specifically discussing our case). I thought about it and decided to write an article about how it could be possible for the two of us to have these different results.
I have three possible scenarios
- One of us was immune.
- Both of us actually had it, but Feyma was already recovered when tested.
- Luck.
Before getting into each scenario and how that may have played out, let me give you some background.
February 2020
Starting in the first week of February, I got sick. I thought I had the flu, but it was a very bad flu. I was sick for the entire month of February. One day I even passed out in the bathroom.
Funny thing was that every morning when I woke up, I thought that I was already well, I was not sick, felt fine. But, by late afternoon, I was sick again. Seemingly every day, in the afternoon I was sicker than I had been the day before.
Why didn’t I go to the doctor?
Well, honestly, I am not a big fan of going to the doctor. Also, having what I thought was the flu, there is really nothing a doctor can do about that, you just have to ride it out. Also, at that time, COVID was not known to be in the USA, and especially not in Indiana, where I live. So, I rode it out. Sometime in the final week of February, I was well again.
During this month, Feyma also got sick, but only a mild sickness, flu-like symptoms as well. She felt better in only a few days.
April 2020
In April, Tyson, the company that Feyma works for had a large outbreak of COVID at the local production facility. All employees were required to be tested for COVID at the plant. The results came back a few days later. Feyma was negative. Two of our sons who also work for Tyson both tested positive.
Consequently, on the same day that Feyma had her COVID test, I was scheduled to have a medical procedure done (outpatient). When I got to the medical office, they asked me some questions, and based on my answers they required me to be tested for COVID before the procedure could be done. So, I left their office and went to the COVID testing site in our County. My results came back the next day and I was positive.

How can that be?
The possible scenarios in my mind
1. Looking back to February
When I had my COVID test, I was told that if you have had COVID and already recovered it was possible to test positive for up to 90 days after your recovery. Well, if I did have COVID in February, that was only about 60 days earlier, and I may have still been testing positive for the virus in April, even if I no longer had it.
In February it is possible that Feyma did have a mild case of the virus, or that she did not have it at all. Either way, it would be possible for her to have tested negative. I was not told that you would test positive for 90 days post-virus, I was told that you might.
So, it is possible that one or both of us did have the virus in February, but I still tested positive in April. When I tested positive in April, I was completely asymptomatic. I did not feel sick at all.
2. It is possible that Feyma was immune to COVID
A couple of weeks ago, I was at my primary care physician’s office. We got talking about COVID, and the experience that Feyma was negative and I was positive. The doctor asked me:
Has Feyma ever had the BCG Immunization (for TB)?
I got thinking about it and realized that she had the BCG immunization in 1990 when she immigrated to the USA. That was required for immigrants. So, I told my doctor that yes, she had been immunized.
My doctor proceeded to tell me that some evidence is coming to light that people who have had the BCG vaccination are immune to COVID. It is still being studied, but the early study is making it seem likely that the immunization renders people immune to COVIDs. Who knows?
3. Luck
Of course, not every person that comes into contact with the virus gets it. There is not a 100% infection rate, not even close. So, it is possible that I really was positive in April, and Feyma was really negative in April. I consider that unlikely, but it is possible.
Who knows what the fact is? We will never know. But, these are the scenarios that I have thought of. Any of them are possibilities.
Great Article. Great insight and first-hand information about Covid19.
Thank you, Jack. I’m glad that you found the article useful.
All possible but tend to agree with you cousin feyma was probably immune due to her immunization…..awww alas though would you not have had to have the same immunization either when traveling to or from feyma in the phillipines?
Hi TJ. No, I did not have the immunization. It is nor for traveling, it is a requirement to immigrate (move permanently) to the USA. I have never had it, or been required, but Feyma was required in 1990.
The human body is a wonder in itself. The immune systems vary greatly between individuals as does the immune response to the invasion of pathogens. Other variables that influence susceptibility include, culture, economics, demographics and geography.
As for bacillus Calmette−Guérin (BCG). There is no definitive proof it can prevent the infection of CORVID-19. However, there does seem to be some data that supports a reduced mortality rate from CORVID-19 in countries that use BCG to combat the higher rates of TB.
Now, having said that, here is what I personally know. My family is made up of two households. One is made up of myself, wife and mother-in-law and father-in-law. The other is sister-in-law, brother-in-law, niece and nephew. I’m retired, the other five adults work at the same place (oink oink). 4 of the five working adults are immigrants as well as the children, each have had the BCG imunization. Myself and Bro-in-law have not. Here is the CORVID-19 breakdown.
Myself………Neg Bro-in-law……….Pos
Wife…………Pos Sis-in-law………..Pos
Father……….Pos Niece………………Neg
Mother……..Neg Nephew………….Neg
Symptoms were mild, headaches and varied degrees of loss of taste and smell, which has slowly returned.
Glad to know there are others out there in similar situations as we are! Thanks for sharing.
I had my COVID test 6 weeks ago and was negative (for the same reason you did – outpatient procedure). The thing about the Covid test is that it is a real-time indicator, meaning you could be negative today, and contract the virus tomorrow. Have you considered anti-body testing? Or is it too late for that?
Yes, that’s true, the test only indicates whether you’re positive or negative at the time you took the test, that means that it’s not really worth that much, at least in my eyes.
It’s not easy to have an antibody test here in my area, there are not many available and they won’t let just anybody get one. Also, research is indicating that the antibodies don’t last very long, so I don’t really consider it worthwhile to do that, and not even sure that I could if I wanted to. Good luck to you.
That was interesting. If you have a Youtube channel please tell me what it is so I can follow.
My YouTube Channel is called Earner at Home.
Hi Bob, yes it took me almost 2 years to look up your site. Sorry. I was quiet busy in the meantime: I am retired now 2.5 years. And I really enjoy it, even though that there is less money available now.
Here a video about Covid-19 that I completely agree too: