Moving soon from the Philippines to Indiana
We are looking forward to becoming Hoosiers
My wife and I have been living in the Philippines for nearly 2 decades! Now, we are moving back to the United States. We expect to be arriving in our new home of Logansport, Indiana by the 3rd week in January 2019.
This is an exciting time for us!
Our entire family will be in one country!
Currently, two of our sons, Aaron and Jared are already living in the United States. They grew up here in the Philippines but decided to return and settle in the USA. They are residing in Atlanta, Georgia.
My wife, Feyma, our son, Chris, and I decided to settle in Logansport, and we are very excited to be back in the USA again. We’ve been in the Philippines for a long time!
What will I do for work?
I am a serial entrepreneur. I have lots of different businesses, mostly small businesses. I believe in the theory of “streams of income”, meaning that I make relatively small amounts of money from a lot of different sources. I have a new stream in mind for doing in Indiana.
Retail Arbitrage
I actually was doing retail arbitrage back in the 90s, but it just did not have a name back then! You don’t know what retail arbitrage is? Watch this video and you’ll see what I am talking about.
I love doing things like this, and am very excited to get into it. I know that it will be a lot of fun, and very profitable for me.

I am Santa here in the Philippines, and I plan to carry that forward to the United States as well. In fact, I am still working on my new Santa in the USA website, but you can click on the link and check it out.
Other things too
I will be doing a lot of other (mostly) online things in Indiana. I have eCommerce websites, I also write for a living and will continue that as well. I will just change to a new focus topic for my writing. It will be nice to write about a fresh topic, I feel a bit stagnant now.
So, see you soon!
So, for those of you in Indiana, I’ll be seeing you soon! I can’t wait to get there and start a new life there, after being away from the USA for 2 decades.
Yes, as I am saying goodbye to the Philippines, I am also saying Hello to Logansport, Indiana. We’ve had a great life in Davao City, Philippines, but are excited about seeing new scenery when we look out the window!
Hey Bob,
Best wishes on your new adventure back in the USA.
It will be interesting getting some updates from your perspective of re adjusting.
Thanks, Neal, I appreciate that.
Yeah, I’ll be posting things about the adjustment, and new adventures I am having there!
We will miss you. What happens to your 13(g) Visa? What about the annual report you make to the Philippine immigration? What will happen to all that?
Hope all goes well with you
Thank you, I will still be online as I am now, so you won’t need to miss me. As for my Visa, of course I am free to leave the Philippines anytime, and I did so in January. My Visa as a resident Visa will no longer exist, but I will be free to go visit the Philippines anytime I wish. I will no longer need to report every year since I do not live there anymore.
Welcome back stateside amigo! Hope you and the family are well and getting adjusted. Your “Retail Arbitrage” idea has me in it’s grips.. Amazon, here I come!
Hi Paul. We are doing great and adjusting quickly.
I first found your website when I got interested in reading about blogs and blog topic possibilities…that was sometime in 2005 before we decided to retire in the Philippines. I actually started one, but didn’t have the time to really work on it. Now that we finally have a date to retire, I just remembered to check out your blogs from the Philippines. I had to digest what I was reading–that your family is going back to the United States while I’m having some anxiety attacks here on how to actually move back to the Philippines next year.
Hi Cecilia – The fact that we decided to move back to the States should not have impact on your decision to move to the Philippines. We loved living in the Philippines. We did not move because we did not like it. We moved for family reasons and because we had lived there for nearly 20 years and were ready for a change.
If you want to read our main reason for leaving, read this article.
I feel that is a good reason for us to return to the US, but should have no impact on your life.
I hope this helps.
Bob, how do you like Indiana?
I am living on the island of Bohol. When you went to Indiana did you ship small items? By small items I mean important papers or small statues. Things that you valued but not large items like furniture.
Hi Shawn.
We didn’t ship anything to the States. Many documents were scanned and stored in the cloud. Other items were brought in our suitcases.
I hope this is helpful.