Remember, earlier this year, I wrote a series of articles on my new project, $1 per day? I encouraged you to come up with a new project that would earn you an extra $1 per day, every day of the year. I’d like to revisit that and ask you a question. How are you doing with the project? Several people told me that they were “game” and we’re going to come up with such projects. It’s time now to go back and look at our progress.
I, myself, started two such projects, hoping to start out by earning an extra $1 per day and building on that to make it a nice contributor to my income. In looking back and reviewing my level of success on this, I must say that I am pretty happy with the level of success achieved.
One of my projects involved selling a new product which I did not have in my product mix before. I actually set up a brand new website for this and sent out promotional e-mails to my existing customers of a related website. I am happy to report that the site has become pretty successful. In only about 6 months in business so far, the site is doing gross sales of about $120 per day, with a net of about $50 or so! For only 6 months in business, I am very happy with that!
My second $1 per day project involved a completely new venture, which I started about 4 months ago is returning a net profit of about $50 per day too. This particular venture requires little work at all, although there was about one month of 40 hour weeks up front. So, for about 4 weeks, I devoted 40 hours per week, and it has been netting me about $50 per day since then, with less than 5 minutes per day of work after that initial burst of work. Now, that, in my opinion, is a great success story!
How about you, have you got any success stories from any $1 per day projects that you have started this year? If so, why not share your story with us by leaving a comment below? I am sure that there are some really inspirational stories out there, and our readers would enjoy hearing them!
By the way, I have a new $1 per day project that I just recently embarked on. It involves revamping a number of my blogs (still ongoing), including this one. It’s my goal to increase the income I am earning from these sites. I’ll be reporting more information on the level of success as I progress.
You can do it, but only if you try!
Excellent reports, Bob. I’m launching off some similar $1 a day projects myself. I have a number in that category already. It’s one of the common misconceptions people have, that if someone makes money online they make it all in one big ‘powerhouse’ venture. That can happen but it’s a very rare exception.
I have a good example that I am going to write about real soon, a guy who makes a _lot_ on line. he lays out his program, how he started each venture, and he did it by shooting for a dollar a day. five dollars a day and so on. If the average person broke down their needs in \to the exact money per day, per bill, it’s easy to see evean a dollar a day site will pay one bill per month. Once you get that first tiny flow coming in, it’ all flows from there.
@Dave Starr: Absolutely! One of my “things I say” a lot is that there is beauty in making small amounts of money. These little $1 per day sites will do nothing but grow and grow. Before you know it they are worth $5 per day. Five years down the road you might be making $500 per day, and that, my friend, is real money! You have to start somewhere, though, and most of us would not have a hard time believing that we can actually make $1 per day. If we start out trying for that $500 per day, we will soon get disappointed in the $1 to $5 per day that we are making, and just give up!
can i has a dollah?