Everybody says it. I hear it all the time:
I want to make money online! How do I do it?
Yes, everybody seems to say it, but the truth is that very few people actually do anything about it. Fact is, if you don’t do anything, you will not make any money online. There is no little fairy who comes by your house and drops off money. You have to follow some steps, make some decisions, and do some follow through. If you aren’t willing to do that, you aren’t going to make any money online. It’s no different than any other kind of job… there are things that you have to do.
So, today with this article, let’s start a new series here on Virtual Earner – Make Money Online. There are thousands, maybe millions of ways to make money online, so I can’t cover every conceivable way to do it. But, I will look at the step by step process of how to make money online. There are certain steps to take, no matter what method you choose. Think of it like going to a regular job:
- You get out of bed.
- You shower and dress for work.
- You drive to your place of employment.
- etc
Making money online has certain things that have to do too. So, over the next couple of weeks or so, let’s have a look at what some of those steps are.
Follow our new series – Make Money Online.
This should prove interesting. I am always surprised when I amswer that same question with a resoonse like. “how do you earn money now”? Literally, over the years I have been blown away by the number of people who have a job, bur no idea of how that job earns their empliter money … they just show yp and magically a paycheck appears, as if it were some law of nature that this happens.
Rule number one for earning money online, in my book, is figuring out how you earn money offline, and looking first to see what could be done the same nline as off. After all, if you already have a oaying skill …
Hi Dave – Well, in this series I will be getting down to the very basic levels of suggestions. Not technical stuff, not stuff for a guy who has been on the net for a decade. Stuff for that guy that you mentioned who has a job and doesn’t understand how it makes money. We’ll explore issues about how to take your real life experiences that you already have, and apply them to doing something online that will make you a little extra money!
Hi Bob – Send me PHP 50,000 and I’ll provide you – IN DETAIL – my step-by-step method of how I make – AND HOW YOU WILL MAKE – money on line!
Hi Paul –
Interesting topic, Bob. I hope that there will be a mention or two of the ways to earn money online for the person with no technological skills. It is always interesting to me to read some of the ways suggested by “experts” that “anyone” can do. Certainly not always true. It is certainly still possible to earn money online. You just need to figure out how to get the technology side done cheaply.
Hi Tom N – I believe that we have come to a day when you can make money on the net without technical skills. These days, putting up something like a blog is so simple that even a grandmother can do it in many cases. But, there are challenges, no doubt. In this series, I will be looking at things that are not technical. Not necessarily the mechanics of how to do this or that, but rather what decisions you need to make in order to get started. Perhaps we will have future series showing the actual mechanics of putting the tire to the road, though.