For many years now, I had advocated earning a living online, over the Internet. Heck, I’ve been earning money myself over the Internet for 20 years already. I started off just supplementing my income from my “regular job” with a few Internet earnings. For about a dozen years, though, I’ve earned my money exclusively from the Internet.
Over these years, as I’ve evangelized about earning money online, sometimes I run across people who don’t believe it is true that you can earn money over the Internet. Other people believe that you can make money on the Internet, but only by scamming people. I don’t believe in scamming people, and I’ve never done that. I believe in delivering value for money. I believe in offering quality products at a reasonable price. Not only do I believe in that, but that is also what I do.
As many of my friends who visit my websites know, two of my kids recently graduated from High School, Aaron, and Jean. Over the past year or so, anticipating graduation, Feyma and I have been talking with Aaron and Jean about their futures, what their plans are and such. Jean wants to become a chef, which is great. I want to encourage my kids to do what they want to do. Aaron, on the other hand, is less certain about what he wants to do. He is certain that he wants to do something dealing with computers, but is not yet focused on exactly what that would be. I told Aaron that if he is unsure of his goal, perhaps he should take a year or two off before going on to college, he should work for me, and I can help him learn about ways that he can earn a living using a computer.
So, for those who do not believe that you can really make money using your computer and the Internet, it should be obvious that I am going beyond only saying that it can be done, but I am now guiding my son along this path. I am doing this because I know that it is a great way to earn an income, and also offer you flexibility in life.
So, since Aaron is wanting to move along the path of making money online, the first thing I am encouraging him to do is to open a Paypal account. So far, it has not happened, but he has a few steps that he needs to take to make that happen, and perhaps it will take a few months to complete those steps.
Aaron is also in the process of learning how to work with WordPress and is even writing about his journey on that path on my WP-StepByStep blog. So far, I have been fairly impressed that Aaron has been working pretty steadily on this journey, and he is beginning to pick up some good WordPress skills. I think this is very important, because WordPress is the most popular platform for websites these days, and getting some expertise on the platform will serve Aaron well.
Another thing that has been impressing me is that Aaron is showing me signs that he is thinking about different ways to make money. In the past week or two, he has been talking to me about writing some eBooks on topics that interest him. I think Aaron can see that I have been relatively successful in selling eBooks, and he figures it a way that he use my methods to earn some money himself.
I am enjoying seeing Aaron taking the first steps along the path to an online income, and I think he is going to be successful with my continued encouragement and coaching him along his way. Maybe next year or the year after he will decide it is time to pursue his college education. Maybe he will decide that college is not the right path for him. I really don’t have a problem either way he goes and will support him with whichever fork in the path he decides to follow. I know he can (and will) find success whichever turn he decides to take.
Good luck, Aaron!
Aaron, get that account set up, guy. Number one rule of making money is to be able to receive it 😉
I am always surprised by the number of people who get in touch with me and ask for some help or coaching and I find they don’t have a PayPal account or any other way to recieve money.
Don’t think of your goal as working with “something to do with computers”. A sculptor doesn’t just “work with a chisel” … he creates and a chisel is just one of his tools.
Find a need (something that causes people pain, literally or figuratively is best), and make the pain go away for them. Remember how FaceBook came to be? Mark Zuckerberg was too shy and too much of a nerd to meet girls … so he set up a “nerdy” way to solve the problem.
Worked for him, he’s even married now *smile*
Good advice, Dave. I will pass it along to Aaron.
Methinks something wrong with the comments here Bob!