OK, over the past few weeks I have been sharing with you my strategies to make 2013 a banner business year for me using 4 different Business Resolutions to fine tune my businesses and make them all more successful.
Last week I told you about Resolution #2, setting up an Affiliate Program. The previous week, I told you about my plan to write a minimum of 20 new e-books in 2013.
Now it’s time to let you in on my Resolution #3 for 2013, I will look at all of my blogs, and cut back on some of them.
OK, ok, I hear you now:
But, Bob, how can you earn more by cutting back? Won’t you start earning less?
I don’t think that will be the case. Let me tell you why.
Anybody who knows me realizes that I have a lot of websites. Trying to keep 40 or 50 different websites active is a huge job. What happens when you have such a daunting task in front of you is that you tend to just throw up your hands and give up. You do nothing.
A few weeks back, I was looking at my AdSense earnings for 2012, and I realized that a little more than 90% of my earnings came from a single site. Funny thing was that I was putting very little time into that site. Most readers will know what site I am talking about, but for those who don’t know, I am talking about my most popular site, Live in the Philippines. That is by far my most popular site, nothing is even close to it in popularity or in earnings either. Earlier in 2012, I started feeling burned out when it came to writing about life in the Philippines. I had been writing on the topic for years, and I needed a break. Because I have many other writers on the site, it was not hard to step back from writing there and leave the writing to other writers. However, I have been away from Live in the Philippines for 7 or 8 months now, except for an occasional article. I am ready now to get back. I feel refreshed, and ready to jump back in.
I feel that if you have a site that is earning 90% of your income, you should focus some attention there to keep it going, and perhaps to increase the earnings you get from that source. I think that is logical.
In addition to stepping back up to the plate on that one site, I have selected 5 or 6 other sites where I will concentrate my time. Why did I choose these particular sites? Several reasons:
- I have a pretty big interest in the topic.
- I feel the sites have the potential to increase their earnings.
- These sites generally earn a nice payment on a per click basis.
So, in other words, these sites that I have chosen have potential. They can, I believe, increase their earnings performance a lot. And, I have a passion for the topic, which I believe will push me to write regularly.
When I had a lot of sites that I felt committed to writing on, I felt a lot of pressure. Now, by cutting back on many sites and focusing on those that I feel will earn for me, I think that I am moving in a direction where I will have less pressure on me, yet also increase my earnings. I believe that on Live in the Philippines alone, I can significantly increase the already great earnings there. Only time will tell, though, and I will see how this works out for me.
Here’s to a great 2013 for all of us! See you online!
My Resolution this year is to keep learning, and grow my online business. I hope to have 5 new sites this year.
My Resolution this year is to keep learning, and grow my online business. I hope to have 5 new sites this year.
My Resolution this year is to keep learning, and grow my online business. I hope to have 5 new sites this year.
My Resolution this year is to keep learning, and grow my online business. I hope to have 5 new sites this year.
Those are good goals, Lance. Good luck to you on your goals!
Those are good goals, Lance. Good luck to you on your goals!
Those are good goals, Lance. Good luck to you on your goals!
Interesting topic, Bob! I am at this exact same place. Too many sites and trying to determine where I should spend my time/money. It’s good to reflect on this, I think. I think it is possible to have so many sites that they all suffer.
What to do ? What to do?
I actually have a couple of ideas germinating. Just need to figure out how it all works.
Hi Tom – lots of good thoughts there. I agree that if you have too many river then even your good sites maw suffer because you are focusing in the wrong places.
Hi Bob, All I wanted to say that I trully enjoy reading your site. I can’t tell you how much I have learned by reading what you and the other writers have to say. I married a beauitful lady from the Philippines and all I wanted to do is read more about the Place. I have visited many times but still can’t get enough. I called you a lucky Dog before and I still mean it. Jan Cook
Ha ha.. thank you JC. It sounds like you and I have the same love affair with the Philippines! I love living here, and it’s an adventure every day, it seems!
Thanks for stopping by my site, JC, and for leaving a comment.
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