Have you heard this brand new song?
This song is revolutionary
It’s not often that a song comes along that everybody, regardless of music preferences, race, and other factors all likes. Really, this song is not about the tune, the genre, or anything musical. It’s about the message. It is a message of fatigue, despair, outrage, demanding change. This song has it all. In my opinion, this song perfectly describes the sad state that the USA is in at this time. I believe that this song could possibly make people take action to turn things around. Our country is going in the wrong direction and it’s time to change things.
Workin’ overtime hours for bullshit pay
The singer is a fellow named Oliver Anthony. With a combination of his powerful lyrics and his powerful voice, you can’t help but listen and think about what he is saying. The country is not going down the right path at this time, and the song drives that point home.
Who are the Rich Men North of Richmond?
What major city is directly north of Richmond? If you look at a map it is so obvious who Oliver Anthony is singing about. Washington DC is directly north of Richmond. Oliver is obviously singing about the Politicians in DC. Our politicians are rich, even if they were poor (relatively) when elected. Their salaries are not enough to make them rich, so where is the money coming from? I think any of us could easily figure out where they are getting the money. We did not send those politicians to go to DC and become “Rich Men North of Richmond”, but that is what’s happening.
The Rich Men north of Richmond wanna know what you think and wanna know what you do
Even if we know that corruption is happening, the song drives it home and brings it to the front of our minds.
Crosses the racial divide

If you go to YouTube and look at a few videos, you will find that although this is a very country song, people of all races are loving the song. Some people reacting to the song are even shedding tears. Tears because our country has gong so wrong, and it is time to take our country back. I don’t remember a song when people who loved all kinds of different genres of music all loved the same song, and it brought people together.
I wish politicians would look out for minors, and not just minors on an island somewhere
The people of this country badly need to unite and make the country right again.
What do you think?
Great reminder song!!
I wish people absorb and understand every lyrics to this song, It’s too painful for every hard working Americans .
I totally agree, this song makes you remember the things that you already knew, put them together, and realize that the politicians are really not good for us.
This song is really true and it really resonates. And you can see the powers in Washington are moving in the wrong direction. But when you look even closer you have to conclude that there’s somebody else controlling the levers of power behind a very dark curtain. Mostly through bribery and blackmail no matter who is sent to Washington, no matter how high their standards, no matter how traditional or conservative their ideals, it seems like they never gain enough power to make the changes we all want. The globalist New World order agenda just keeps marching forward no matter what we do or who we send to Help.
If you look at the results of the Republican debate, you see mostly controlled people giving controlled answers. Even Vivic R, the apparent winner is a student of The world economic forum, class of 2021. Is Teflon Trump the only option?
I have to say, it seems your spot on. This song is really powerful, maybe it can make some changes. I hope so.