Ebb and flow. Usually, it refers to tides or other things that increase and decrease. For me, AdSense is an ebb and flow. Yes, some months AdSense earnings are great. Other months they decrease, seemingly for no reason at all. Why is that? Well, I can’t really say why, because nearly every AdSense publisher that […]
Is e-commerce going into decline?
According to a recent article in the New York Times, e-Commerce is entering a period of stagnant sales, or even decline until the end of the decade. Has online retailing entered the Dot Calm era? Since the inception of the Web, online commerce has enjoyed hypergrowth, with annual sales increasing more than 25 percent over […]
I believe that a shift is coming
We are at a crossroads right now in the economic sense. The signs are everywhere you look. Seemingly rich companies that have survived for decades, even longer, are going bankrupt. People like General Motors and other automakers that at one time had unlimited sources of capital or begging for handouts from the government. All is […]
Surprise on the way from the big “G”?
I got a little bit of a surprise last week when I logged in to my Google AdSense account. I was going there to check my earnings for the day and see which of my ad channels was producing earnings for me. As many of you who have an AdSense account know, when you log […]
Who do you write for?
Do you have a blog or some other kind of website? Obviously, I have some websites, including this one, which hosts a blog about making money online. I have a number of other sites too. I don’t have nearly the number of sites that I used to have, though. A year and a half ago, […]
How can you earn money?
A lot of people tell me that they would love to move to the Philippines, but they don’t have enough money to support themselves, and thus cannot move. There are some very common sayings about this subject. First, a lot of people will tell you that it is impossible to earn any decent amount of […]