More speed that is! As I have told you earlier this week, I have been working on my Need for Speed project, trying to speed up my websites. I feel that speeding up my sites will have a positive impact on my Google AdSense earnings, at least I am giving that a try. Previously this […]
Implementing caching on my sites
OK, so this week here on the Virtual Earner Blog, I am discussing my “Need for Speed” project that I have been working on for a few weeks. Basically, this has been an attempt to recover from slipping AdSense earnings across my sites. By improving my scores on Google Scorecard, I hope that my earnings […]
Need for Speed project
So, if you read my previous article, you know that I was getting a flunking grade on my Google Scorecard, and what I needed was more speed. As I said in my previous article, when it comes to server optimization, I am pretty much untrained and don’t have much knowledge. Something similar is site optimization. […]
My new project – a series of posts
This week, I will be writing a number of posts (probably 5 posts, although that could change) on the topic of a new project that I started 2 or 3 weeks ago. The project has come close to completion and results are becoming clear, so I thought it was time to write about it and […]
Do you want to be a webmaster?
What do you think? Do you have a desire to be a “webmaster”? Does the word, or the title “webmaster” make you think positive things or negative things? For me, if somebody calls me a webmaster, I shudder a bit. I don’t like being called a webmaster. Yes, I make a living through my websites. […]
I hereby resolve…
2013 is here! The ringing in of a new year always seems to be accompanied by a series of resolutions where people resolve to make changes in their lives. Probably the number one New Year’s resolution is to lose weight or become healthier in some way. Over the years, I have also followed the ritual […]