Do you have a blog or some other kind of website? Obviously, I have some websites, including this one, which hosts a blog about making money online. I have a number of other sites too. I don’t have nearly the number of sites that I used to have, though. A year and a half ago, I had in excess of 200 sites. Now, I have maybe around 20 sites or so, perhaps a few more. I cut way back on the number of sites because it enabled me to spend the time on the most successful sites, while not worrying about sites that were not doing that well for me.
Yes, when I cut back on the number of sites that I publish, I had a drop in my earnings. It doesn’t worry me, though, because I still earn good money on the web, just less than I used to. However, I also have to do less work than I used to, and I also have fewer employees and fewer expenses than I used to.
If you talk to “experts” and other people who earn money through blogging or writing articles online, you often hear from them how you should write.
- Choose certain keywords within your subject area which “pay big” in terms of value per click on the advertising.
- Write in ways that the Search Engines and Advertising Agencies like.
- Design your site in ways that “trick” people into clicking on ads instead of content
- The list can go on and on…
Perhaps all of these things are true, perhaps some are not. Perhaps some of the things are true at some times and not at other times. Who knows.
Frankly, who cares?
I don’t follow all of this advice. Do you know what I do? I write quality articles, in my opinion. When you write articles that are relevant to your readers, articles that make them think and keep them coming back to read more, you gain more readers and retain more readers. Yeah, if I tuned my writing style to what certain Ad Agencies like better, maybe I might make an extra 50 Cents some days. Who cares. Over the long haul, if I write in a style and provide information that readers like, I will get more readers. If I get more readers I will make more money, it’s that simple. Also, the more readers I have who are genuinely interested in what I am writing about, the more opportunities I have to make money.
It’s not just a game where you put Pay Per Click ads on your site, then write in a way that the search bots like. No, if you write in a way that people like, as opposed to robots, then you can earn money through other methods too. Write books that would interest your readers. If they keep coming back for the information you are providing on your site, they must like the way you write and value your opinion or information that you provide. If that is the case, they are likely to purchase books that you write too. This is just one example of another way to earn money from your website.
Write to machines? Write to robots or computers? No. I believe it is always best to just write the way you enjoy it and attract more readers to visit your site. If you do something you enjoy doing, the money will come.
Hi Bob – I just want to say that your articles are of high quality, and there is no doubt that your readership is so high because of that. That’s been apparent to me for some time. Not everyone has the ability to write entertaining or compelling content. Kudos to you for doing so.
It always nice to get your insight on these matters. WIsh you wrote more here.
Hi Randy – Thank you so much for what you say. It really is my goal to write good, interesting and compelling content every time that I write an article. I don’t live up to my own expectations every time I write something new, but I hope that I do most of the time.
Yes, I do need to write here more. It is my intention to do so, and I hope I can make myself do it. I would like to target writing about 3 articles here every week. But, to be honest, I have set goals like that for myself in that past too, and it hasn’t happened. I will be making a concerted effort to do it, though.
Thanks again!
You are so exactly right here, Bob. Yes, there are ways that you can game the system and understanding how can be helpful. That being said, I think solid content rules the day. Writing things that interest people is a sure way to get more readers.
Hi Tom – Nice to hear from you, it’s been a while! I hope all is well for you. BTW, keep an eye on my LiP site this week, there is an article that might be of interest to you coming up on Tuesday (Philippine Time), it even has a link to your website! 😀
Yeah, learning the system when it comes to SEO and Google Guidelines can certainly be helpful, but in the end the quality of your content is what keeps people coming back!
I like links. Links are my friend. 🙂 And, yes, I will be paying attention! I always do, though, even when I am not posting as much.
Hi Tom – I figured you would like that. My column on LiP tomorrow is about education, and your sites fit in nicely.
Exactly the reason I keep reading your websites Bob, they are written for people in a style that is more on a person to person basis.
Hi Bob – Thanks for your comment. I’m glad that you have enjoyed my sites, and my writing style! I feel that my writing has improved a lot, and also gotten a lot easier since I first started seriously blogging about 4 or 5 years ago. Now, I can write a pretty long article in only 20 or 30 minutes, whereas before it might take me a couple of hours. And, even though it’s much quicker, in my mind, it is of higher quality too, which I like.
I appreciate your support, Bob.
Hi Bob – Agree with w/ everyone. You write good articles! Not just good but really quality ones. And there’s always something to learn 🙂
I’ve also been blogging for quite a while. It started 98 but stopped in 2000 ( I guess who’s ever interest to read a dopey girl’s opinions about Serbian leader being arrested after years of hiding.. he he) Went back to only writing but mostly personal stuff so it’s more diary/ journal type. I just used free sites. For every month, I ‘d write everyday. I always have a lot to say back then. I’m not active anymore but I stil keep a blog for political and pop culture opinions… just sometimes. I like writing for LiP though… and so thank you. 🙂
Also, like you, I feel I can also write quicker . I try and I make sure there’s quality in there. Depends on what to write I guess. But somehow I wish I can articulate something the way you or Dave S, or JohnM or Paul T can..:) Tips? He he.
Hi Sugar – Thank you for much for your compliment, I’m glad that you enjoy my articles and find them “educational” to some extent. It makes me happy to know if people enjoy my work.
I have enjoyed your articles on LiP, and I thank you for your contributions.
To improve your writing skills, although I think that you already write very well, the best thing you can do is just keep writing. The more practice you get, the better your writing will be!
Take care!
You hit it right on, Bob. I totally agree that it’s best to write as you like it, and not as the bots would like it. It gives a feeling of satisfaction that a few cents cannot even begin to match. 😉
Hi DaveoBase – I believe that in the short term, writing for the bots might make a few more cents. But, in the long term, writing in a more natural way, and in a way that people enjoy reading will actually earn more money, a lot more. I mean, you only make money from the readers viewing and clicking on the ads. If you write for the bots, over the long haul you will have fewer human visitors, IMHO, and thus, you will earn less. 😉
Thanks for visiting my personal site!
There is Black-hat SEO and White-hat SEO. Your article urges readers to engage in the later as opposed to the former. I wrote on this not too long ago:
From what I can tell, Google tries to set its algorithms and processes to highly rank sites that are geared to human readers. However, this does not mean we are off the hook for making sure our sites are built with standards compliant and error free HTML & CSS, as well as structuring our sites in ways that make it easy for people to find the good stuff. Google is working to detect those webmasters using black-hat methods and penalize them.
If you write good and compelling content, present it with a good site design, and clean code it will all fall into place.
That’s all very true, Mark. I especially agree with your last sentence. I pretty much ignore Google and the other search engines, and write for my readers. If the content brings readers, everything else will work out.
I hear ya on cutting back on the number of sites some of us hold. I have been trimming back on some sites recently myself. If I could recoup some of the renewal fees I’ve payed on a monthly bases over the years, I could take a nice vacation. I hold some thinking they will be used later on and sometimes later on never comes. Some I have owned for over ten years and hope maybe someone will buy them here and there.
I agree with the free-flow writing style. Sites like International Living only hire this type of writer. I prefer to read it and write this way.
Bob, a lot of great advice on here.
Hi Ken – Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Here is a suggestion on your unused domain names. If you are paying fees for the name and for hosting, it should be relatively easy to recoup your costs by putting some ads on the domain. Earning $10 in a year should not be hard to accomplish. I would recommend using AdSense for Domains, and Google will set up everything for you!
Good luck!